Sept. 28, 2023

The Official Susto 31 Nights of Fright Movie List!

Hey Ghoul Friend! Spooky season is in full swing and I am loving it! I hope September has treated you well so far and I'm so looking forward to October! As you can imagine, this time of year is a busy period for me. Being a one person team can get to be a lot so it's important for me to carve out some time to turn my brain off.

One such way is by putting on a tried and true favorite movie that I can watch without having to really pay attention to it. Every year I see these lists drop and I figured it was time to share with you a carefully curated list of my creature comforts. This list is in no particular order so feel free to jump around if you chose to watch through! Also, some of these are franchises or have sequels and I couldn't choose so feel free to take your pick!

Check out the list below, I'd love to know if any of your faves are on it or what you would have put on your own list!